

Weapon select
Gif 1: Shows the player swapping weapon. An interaction.

Development Milestones:

  • Added arm movements to the player.
  • Added weapons, weapon select and projectiles to shoot by the player.
  • Added camera movement that tracks the player and enemy.
  • Added trails to projectiles.
  • Implemented arm movement, weapon select and firing for AI.
  • Added projectile rock-scissors-paper mechanics.
  • Added health to player and AI with basic UI.

Build breakdown:

Added an arm to the player that rotates with the user's input. In actuality the arm section is the child of the circle in the centre. This circle rotates and the arm changes facing with it.

Arm movement

Gif 2: The arm rotates with player input.
Weapon and weapon select was added to the player. The weapons all have placeholder sprites with colliders. These weapons were all placed in an array and would spawn after slight delay based of user input. The weapons themselves also have a script on them that will destroy them from the same input. The result is the ability to switch weapons.

Gif 1: Shows the player swapping weapon. Same as the first gif.
With the implementation of cinemachine the camera was set so it would keep the player and enemy in view at all times.


Gif 3: Shows the camera zooming out to keep player and enemy in screen.
The ability to fire the weapons was included using space. This would fire different projectiles depending on the weapon selected. Trails were added to the projectiles to add more flair and make the projectiles more visually distinct.

Gif 4: Shows the player firing the fist weapon with projectile trail.
After this the same functions were added to the AI enemy. Being AI the scripting of these features were different as they could not rely on player input. For arm rotation the enemy arm always rotates towards the player at a set rate. The weapon spawn was made random but would occur at 3 second intervals. The previous weapon would be destroyed at the same time. The weapon would only fire if the player is lined up with the enemy arm. The weapons also had a 2 second cooldown so the enemy could not spam projectiles.

For the projectiles the rock-scissors-paper mechanics were added for the different possible collisions.  This means that when certain projectiles collide with each other then one projectile would be destroyed while the other did not depending on the type colliding.

Finally health was added to the player and AI with basic UI to show it. With this inclusion the build now could be won or loss.

Gif 5: Shows working AI and gameplay. Ignore description below as gameplay is from V0.3 build.

Player feedback:

I was unable to get feedback from the unit's discord for this build but was able to get feedback through other sources. 

One player found plenty of issues with the build including: Player killing themselves with their own projectiles, projectile despawns not always working allowing wacky unintended hijinks, slow arm rotation,  awkward hand positioning for using arm and weapon select and player weapons not having cooldown.

Another player liked the feeling of momentum with the player movement but thought the arena would benefit from obstacles. The player said that it was possible to remain safe from the opponent by continually circling them in the blank arena as the enemy arm was too slow to catch up.

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